September 19, 2024
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Kinshasa: The final report of the Electoral Observation Mission of the National Episcopal Conference of Congo and the Church of Christ in Congo (MOE CENCO-ECC) says corruption has plagued the 2023 electoral process in the Democratic Republic of Congo

During this period, undemocratic practices were widely observed, notably the buying of electoral votes by candidates, in the elections of senators and provincial governors. Corrupt practices pushed certain candidates to withdraw from the race, disgusted by the scale of the phenomenon, observes the MOE CENCO-ECC, “facts corroborated by the various press releases from the CENI, the Court of Cassation and the Ministry of justice,” we can read in this report, which also notes that certain scenes broadcast on social networks confirmed these allegations of corruption.   

According to this election observation mission, the electoral operations did not escape corruption. Cases of illegal possession of electoral materials, fraud, malicious destruction and attacks on the physical integrity of CENI staff have been recorded. These actions shocked public opinion and aroused strong indignation. 

As per the final reports presented on Monday, orruption has not spared the handling of electoral disputes. Suspicions of corruption weighed on certain judges, tarnishing the image of justice. 

Faced with this dark picture, the Cenco-Ecc MOE calls in particular for strengthening the fight against corruption, improving the awareness of voters and political actors about the principles of a democratic election, guaranteeing independence and the impartiality of justice also, the clarification of the notion of material errors in the judgments of the Constitutional Court.

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