September 19, 2024
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According to Radio Okapi, Six “Wazalendo” fighters were killed on Monday June 17 by the FARDC in Mabalako, Beni territory in North Kivu.

Local civil society reports that these Wazalendo fighters attacked an army position which responded, leaving six attackers dead.

In the neighboring territory of Lubero, armed youths killed two FARDC soldiers on the night of Friday to Saturday June 15 in Njiapanda. According to the administrator of the Lubero territory, these soldiers were returning from the village of Maikengo to supply their comrades-in-arms with food. They then fell into an ambush set up by their executioners between Kambau and Njiapanda.

The administrator of the Lubero territory announced the opening of an investigation the day after the murder of these two soldiers killed in this ambush.

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