September 19, 2024
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5. Gravitational pull
The female breasts are made of fat and ligaments, but lack muscle tissue, so there is no amount or type of exercise that will strengthen the breasts

Years of gravitational pull takes its toll, especially on women with larger breasts.

4. Sleeping Positions

Your sleeping position at night might impact how perky your bust looks by day. Bad news if you’re a side sleeper or a stomach sleeper: over time, those positions can affect the shape of your breasts.
Sleeping on your stomach compresses your breasts into the mattress and can prevent healthy blood flow to the area, while sleeping on one side can cause the ligaments and tissue to stretch unevenly as gravity pulls the breasts down further on that side.

Sleeping on your back or using a body pillow for support while you sleep on your side are the best ways to prevent the effects of gravity from working their dark magic on your unsuspecting breasts while you sleep.
Wearing a bra while you sleep may or may not help. For women with larger breasts, a bra could be more comfortable and provide added support and lift that will fend off the dreaded sag.

Dr. Adams does not think there is any scientific proof for the sleeping position nay-sayers, but getting plenty of sleep in itself may help your body more than any physical harm that sleeping in certain positions may produce.

For women with larger breasts, a bra could be more comfortable and provide added support and lift that will fend off the dreaded sag
3. Sunburn

Ultraviolet rays damage the skin and cause loss of elasticity as well. Just like your facial skin, your breast’s skin absorbs UV rays when you are out in the sun, and is vulnerable to sagging and wrinkling. To avoid sun damage, steer clear of sunbathing and tanning beds and apply sunscreen regularly when outside on a sunny day.

2. Size of Your Breasts

“Stretching of the Cooper’s ligament is seen more commonly in women with bigger breasts due to the gravitational pull,” Anita Johnson, MD, a breast surgical oncologist at Cancer Treatment Centers of America, told Health.
Both the size of your breasts and the area of the ligaments that suspend them affects the gravitational pull. Generally, people with small breasts don’t experience significant sagging.

It is not new that breasts sag and droop for aging process, pregnancy and nursing
1. Aging 

As a woman gets older, the ligaments that make up the breast tissue stretch and lose elasticity. As a result, breast fullness is compromised as the underlying support system of tissue and fat diminishes. A change may be particularly evident during menopause.

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