September 19, 2024
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From bombs to drugs, earthquakes to pregnancy, danger to bad weather, and medicals, dogs can tune into the world around them.

Dogs, commonly loved for their loyalty, furry friendship, and playful characters are one of the least animals that can tune into the world around them.

Our elder generations used to live with pets for both fun and task reasons. Dogs have been among the ones with the ability to sense things that human beings can not.

Below are five things that dogs can sense before they happen:

1. Earthquake

Seismologists suggest that dogs can pick up on electrical signals produced by the movement of rocks beneath the Earth’s surface. The case studies in Japan, China, India, and Nepal prove stranger behaviors in dogs and other animals just before the seismic activity.

2. Pregnancy

Despite lacking scientific evidence, various stories and experiences insist dogs have the extraordinary ability to sense pregnancy. change in body language, mood, and odor give dogs subtle clues about the addition of a new family member.

3. Bad weather

If you have ever got a dog behaving strangely before a storm, it’s not a coincidence. Dogs are weather legends. Their barks or sudden cuddles on your lap aren’t just random; they are to warn of sudden bad weather. Thunder or storms and other changes in barometric pressure and shifts in the static electric field can be easily sensed by your loved pet.

4. Medical

Whether you believe it or not, dogs have a sensational track record of detecting serious diseases in humans. The likes of cancer, low blood sugar, and seizures can easily sensed by the dogs.

5. Danger detecting

Apart from dogs’ mesmerizing sense of smell, they are sensitive to aromas and can read body language and facial expressions. These skills lead them to predict potential danger. So, if your dog dislikes someone, pay attention, it might be a warning. What’s more, their knack for bomb and drug detection highlights their protective instincts.

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